God Is Our Example

The Lord commanded his ancient people: “You shall be holy; for I Jehovah your God am holy” (Leviticus 19:2). Similarly, Christ admonished: “You therefore shall be perfect, as your heavenly Father is perfect” (Matthew 5:48). The example of Jehovah’s lovingkindness was a great motivation in David’s life (Psalm 26:3). Heaven’s example in extending forgiveness for our transgressions can surely encourage us to be compassionate concerning those who have offended us (see Ephesians 4:32).

Christ Is Our Example

Jesus was such a marvelous pattern in a great variety of ways. He was an example of righteous living; he never yielded to sin (Hebrews 4:15). He delighted in doing his Father’s will (Psalm 40:8) and pursued that course with diligence (John 8:29). The Lord was a fitting example in serving (John 13:15) and in suffering (1 Peter 2:21ff).

There is a vivid commentary on the influence of Christ in the book of Acts. We are told that the Jewish rulers, in observing Peter and John, “took knowledge of them, that they had been with Jesus” (4:13). What a commentary on the Savior!

Christians Are To Be Good Examples

Paul frequently urges the readers of his epistles to follow his example to the extent that such reflects the life of Christ. To the Corinthians he wrote: “Be ye imitators of me, even as I also am of Christ” (1 Corinthians 11:1). Paul encouraged Timothy to be an example to other believers “in word, in manner of life, in love, in faith, in purity” (1 Timothy 4:12).

No one can argue with a good example; it is simply there! That is why Peter tells the Christian woman who is married to an unbeliever that if she cannot reach her spouse with verbal instruction in the Scriptures, perhaps she, without uttering a word, could convince him by her manner of life (1 Peter 3:1).

As a believe, you must demonstrate the importance of discipline in your life. You are an example to others, rather it be positive or negative. God does not reward laziness or mischief, so don’t expect him to. As a Christian, as a man of God, our Lord expects you to live a life above the standards set forth by this world. Live with honestly and integrity, take responsibility for your actions and set a good example for others through prayer & righteous living. Temptation is everywhere men, learn to resist it!

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Am I ending today in prayer?