We would be happy to receive your prayer request.
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Your Daily Expectations
Did I begin today in prayer?
Have I read my Bible today?
Did I give today my best efforts?
Did I make someone’s life a little better today?
Did I take steps towards the dreams I have and God has for my life today?
How did I add value to the world around me today?
Was my attitude ever in the way of me or others having a productive, happy day?
Can I put today behind me, go to sleep, and give tomorrow another chance?
How can I improve my answers tomorrow night?
Am I ending today in prayer?
Have I read my Bible today?
Did I give today my best efforts?
Did I make someone’s life a little better today?
Did I take steps towards the dreams I have and God has for my life today?
How did I add value to the world around me today?
Was my attitude ever in the way of me or others having a productive, happy day?
Can I put today behind me, go to sleep, and give tomorrow another chance?
How can I improve my answers tomorrow night?
Am I ending today in prayer?
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