Don't Lose Hope

There is hope, don't let your heart be discouraged when things seem out of hand. I know that at times our hearts can becomes discouraged when there is so much going on. But hold on to that dream of becoming that person you wish to be. Hold on and remind yourselves that you will overcome the struggles you face today. There is always a new day and there is always tomorrow to begin again. Find that vision within your heart and don't let go, see it, believe it and you will be it. Hold on to the vision of who you want to be and who you would have been without the pain. It's not far away, it's at hands reach.

Hold on to hope because hope makes a difference within our lives. We need to embrace ourselves and walk firmly towards healing. Not giving up, not turning away from all that will be if we allow the healing to blossom within our lives. I don't have the magic words that can bring peace to your mind and heart, I wish I did.

Fight hard to keep hope alive within. It isn't easy to wonder of all that could have been and isn't. It isn't easy to fight for your sanity when flashbacks and memories come. But all in all its been a good fight and a fight that has taught me much. Life can be hard at times but we must face it like the fighters that we are. We may become drained and tired but we must keep moving towards healing. Deep within you, you know that there is more to life then the pain and sadness that is endured. You know that there is hope, you are still here and you will go on fighting.
As long as you keep hope within you, you will go on to victory. Hope never disappoints us as long as we keep on fighting for what we want.

Keep believing, keep hoping and don't give up!
You are worth the fight! You are worth all that is good and that is nurturing.

Stand Strong and fight the good fight!

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