Am I a Natural Born Witch? Somebody help

For my whole life I have had a strange obsession with supernatural things. I even tried to get out of my mother's womb on Halloween night but ended up being born on All Hallows Eve (Nov. 1) almost twenty-one years ago.

When I was a kid I used to make the other neighbor kids have "seances" with me in my room where I would mix together whatever ingredients I found in the yard to make potions and work on spells. I even snuck on E-Bay when i was eleven and ordered some spell books on my mom's account. The brooms in my pantry were always missing because I loved to carry them around with me and pretend I was a witch.
I know this sounds like just the imagination of a little girl, but I honestly have felt my entire life that I am different from my peers. I can't even explain it. The best way I can think to describe it is that it's almost like I have a magnet inside of me. I can make people (kids, adults, the elderly, even pets) come to me whenever I want. All I have to do is think about a person really hard and I will hear from them wherever they are. Almost like I can will them to me.

The thing I find most interesting is that ever since I can remember I have this ritual that I do when I want something. I sit on the ground on my knees and curl into a ball and rock back and forth a few times. While I move back and forth I concentrate all my thoughts into what I it a boy, a good grade on a test, or even just wishing for the safety of my loved ones. Then I get these weird chills. Like waves of the chills just running through me and I feel like I am sending out my wants so that they can happen. And they almost always do happen every single time.

I only recently have researched these tingle-y chills online and have come across a lot of information about directing energies. When I read about this I almost started to cry. I feel like it is the missing piece of me. I've always known there is something very different about me and this would explain so much.
I'm just wondering if there is anyone out there who could help me understand a little bit better what it is exactly that I feel and can do. It would mean so much to me to hear from someone...

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