Don't Throw Away Your Marriage In A Moment Of Anger

Articles like this guarantee that I'll receive e-mails from angry feminist women, but the truth needs to be said. Women need to learn to DO NOTHING when they're angry at their husbands. When your decision maker is broken... don't make decisions! The judges, lawyers, and other so-called "professional" people involved in your divorce don't care if you throw your marriage away, they just want the money. It's everyday business as usual to them. Many of them are divorced themselves and out of spite want all the company they can get, so they readily advice others to divorce, divorce, divorce. Well, divorce is a horrible wicked sin!

Marriage is NOT an agreement, it is a commitment. When you were married, you made promises to God and to your spouse (for better, for worse; in sickness, and in health; for richer, for poorer; 'til death do us part... and for you wives, "to obey"). Increasingly, people don't even think twice about breaking their marriage vows (what's one more sin, right?). American society has been desensitized concerning the sinfulness of sin. Whereas homosexuality used to be a sin, now it's called an "alternate lifestyle." Whereas drunkenness used to be called a sin, now it's mislabeled as “Chemical dependency.” Abortion is now called “a choice.” No, it's a child, not a choice!!! The child has no choice. Bless God, sin is still sin! Alcoholism is a sin! Homosexuality is a sin! Abortion is a sin! Casino gambling is a sin! Hollywood movies are a sin (promoting sexual immorality, blasphemy against God and violence)! Divorce is a wicked, dirty, rotten sin!!!

God hates divorce. Hebrews 13:5 teaches that God NEVER forsakes or leaves His own. How sad that so many professed "Christians" willingly forsake their own spouse during the "for worse" times of the marriage. It's wrong! It's wicked! I don't care what your husband or wife does, you have NO RIGHT to break your wedding vows. Do you know what the hallmark character trait of a great Christian is? They stay! They don't quit! They never forsake their God, their wife, their friends, et cetera. We are living in a spoiled generation of adult brats who complain and gossip about everything.

Whaaah!... like a big baby... he got a banana, but I only got an orange. Whaaah!... I didn't like the way she looked at me. I'm not kidding, the American people are borderline clinically paranoid these days. Everyone has lawyers and lawsuits on their mind. Everyone has been brainwashed by the government and newsmedia to fear walking down the street. Everyone is stressed out about so many things. What ever happened to the simple good old days. Think about it... 100 years ago people had time to enjoy life, before the modern age of mass communication and travel. Nowadays, with all of the modern-day conveniences, no one has time to do anything anymore. How ironic!

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